Diablo 3, and the need for Sunglasses.

As many fans have heard, Diablo 3 was announced back in 08 by Blizzard.
Being a big fan of all Blizzard games, myself and my mother (Hardcore D2 fan) were thrilled. We watched the trailer as soon as I could download it. I was in complete shock and awe at how stunning it was, especially the deaths of the characters at the end. I followed the Battle.net forums for a while, lurking as I do, and I was outraged with the majority opinion on Diablo 3.
I've named each rant after a few quotes I've seen which sum up what a lot people think (possibly including you!).

"Not Goth Enough."; "Is that a fucking rainbow in my diablo 3!?";
All of you people are insane. Let me clarify that right here and now.
You've done nothing but whine and beg more then a paid hooker for a sequal to D2 for eight plus years!
Blizzard North and Bill Roper have moved fucking on. You can't expect the same game from a much older company.
If you want fucking dark and goth, Go back to playing D1. I want to see you complain once you've run through all 16 levels blind as a bat.
I am glad we are getting a little color, let alone a brand new Diablo game.
For all you goth motherfuckers out there, I have a few "suggestions" for you.
1. Wear all black clothing with sunglasses while playing D3.
2. Contemplate why you try to emulate an one-step-away-emo tweenie fad. (You're ARE fucking lucky emos are around.)
3. Realize that no matter how hard you try, there was only one King of Darkness and his name is Ozzy and you are not him.
4. Learn what the fuck those buttons are on the side of your monitor.
5. Ever heard of GAMMA settings?

"Is this WoW3?"; "This isn't going to be Diablo anymore";
Do you people realize that a lot of Diablo 3's main programmers worked on WoW at some point?
Blizzard North is of this date, no more. So big deal, they add an inventory screen with a 3D paper doll that looks WoWish,
or they have enchantments, or the UI looks WoWish, and the barbarians use rage instead of mana.
I played WoW for three years or so, and I have to say, WoW brought some good idea to the damn table.
Do you people expect that Blizzard is not going to use those ideas because "they're from another game"?
I have more of these "suggestions" for you assholes.
1. Try to come up with an original idea from now until D3 is released, not borrowing ideas from ANY game. (Not so easy is it?)
2. Instead of worring about other's concepts, why don't you worry about your own concept of personal hygene.
3. Try looking for your mind, you've lost it somewhere. (Its probaly in the last place you left it.)

In conclusion, anyone above who still thinks Diablo 3 isn't goth enough, or is a WoW Clone,
I have a little sentence for you. "If you don't like the game, don't FUCKING play it". Vote with your goddamn pocketbook.
If *I* was running Blizzard and all I did was read this crap all day, I would shut down production on D3, Remember they own WoW and have over 6? 7? million paying customers, they're not going to lose any sleep over that money loss.
Face it, time means change. If Blizzard didn't change a damn thing about their games, fuck, we would still be playing D1 and Warcraft to this day.

-, Lord_Spaztic.
    May 28th 2009.