Cursing, what the fuck is wrong with it?

As some people might have noticed, I curse...a lot, and some people are offended by vile words that spew from my mouth.
Intellectuals say that curse words are signs of "limited vocabulary" or "low intellect". I've got news for you, you're more deluded than the same people who are shocked to hear curse words for religious beliefs. How can it be "limited vocabulary" or "low intellect" when the word 'fuck' can be written or said any time in a sentence.

1. "Haha, thats fucked up man."
2. "Are you fucked in the head?"
3. "That was fucking awesome dude!"
Furthermore, you can use fuck as a prefix or suffix and still sound lyrical.
1. "Motherfucker"
2. "Stupidfuck"
3. "Fucktard"
4. "Piefucker"
So are you really going to expect me to limit my vocabulary by excluding some of the most versatile words in this primitive langauge?

Next on the chopping block.
To all the parents out there who cover their damn child's ears because someone said fuck in public. Do you really believe that you can protect their virgin ears forever? I have more news for you. Little Billy and Susie are gonna grow up, play with themselves, make bad decisions in life, find someone to love, and a few decades later they are going to DIE. (If they haven't been slowly poisoned to death by FGA.) I should not have to censor myself in fucking public because you're offended by a word I said, furthermore I should not be charged or arrested. I remember I did live in a "free country" with "freedom of speech", so how is freedom of speech working when I could be arrested and charged with "disturbing the peace" because I said one of seven "dirty words". (Thank you George Carlin.)

Last thing, I am deeply disappointed in those parents who restrain their cursing in front of their children, because they are chicken shits!
Don't pretend that years before you didn't smoke weed or fuck just about every other night or augment your sentences with curse words every chance you had. (And if you didn't, in what fucking backwoods outhouse were you living?)

Now I would also like to note, that its not just curse words...but any substitution for them. Why is it when a child in school who says "F you!" to the teacher is punished as if he said "Fuck you!". This is complete bullshit! This kid is getting punished when he didn't say fuck, he said "F", he never said one of the "dirty words" he just said a letter. So would you have been angrier if he said fuck? Let me anwser that for you, NO you wouldn't be. Don't be a filthy hypocrite, we already have enough as it is.

In conclusion, my final thoughts are: GROW A FUCKING PAIR OF BALLS, NIMRODS! Curse all you want. Instead of stomping on your child's freedom of speech, teach your child to speak responsibly. Discourage the use of words to hurt people and stress the importance of only using words if they understand what they mean. You must remember, its more about the intent than it is the configuration of letters you choose to express it.

-, Lord_Spaztic